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Bilingual Spring Bundle

Product Description

This bundle combines the Bilingual Spring Writing Center Pack with the Bilingual Spring Word Cards for a fun and engaging way to get students using new vocabulary while practicing grammar skills and different writing styles! Need something for those fast finishers? Bundle also includes word search, crossword puzzles, and mad libs!

Your download includes:
-Prompt cards in either color or black and white for writing informational, narrative, and opinion pieces, as well as lists, that can be printed out, laminated, and put on rings for students to choose
-21 grammar sorts in Spanish covering parts of speech, conjugating verbs, articles, capitalization, punctuation, and complete sentences
-10 grammar sorts in English covering parts of speech, capitalization, punctuation, past, present, and future tense verbs, and complete sentences
-Roll a Story where students can roll a die to determine the character, setting, and problem for their story
-3 differentiated Mad Libs for students to practice parts of speech either individually or with a partner
-Word Search, Crossword, and Making Words activities for added seasonal fun
- 57 color vocabulary cards
- 57 black and white vocabulary cards
- English & Spanish student sheets with vocabulary 

Vocabulary included in this resource: 
abeja - bee
árbol - tree
arbusto - bush
arco iris - rainbow
botas de lluvia - rainboots
brote/brotar - sprout/sprouting
bulbo - bulb
capulo - bud
carretilla - wheelbarrow
césped - lawn
charco - puddle
cometa - kite
conejo - rabbit
cordero - lamb
cortacesped - lawnmower
crecer - grow
eclosionar - hatch
estanque - pond
flor - flower
floración - blossom
florecer - bloom
fruta - fruit
derretirse - melt
guantes - gloves
gusano - worm
hoja - leaf
hongo - mushroom
impermeable - raincoat
insecto - insect
jardín - garden
jardinero - gardener
lodo/lodoso - mud/muddy
lluvia/llover - rain/to rain
manguera - hose 
mariposa - butterfly
mariquita - ladybug
nido - nest
oruga - caterpillar 
paraguas - umbrella
pajarera - birdhouse
pájaro - bird
pala/palear - shovel/to shovel
pala de jardín - trowel
planta/plantar - plant/to plant
podaderas - shears
pollito - chick
primavera - spring
rama - branch
rana - frog
rastrillo/rastrillar - rake/to rake
regadera - watering can
semillas - seeds
sol/soleado - sun/sunny
tierra - earth
verduras - vegetables
viento - wind
volar - to fly

Thank you and enjoy!
~Jayme & Alison

$7.00 $9.00
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