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Martin Luther King Jr. Day in Spanish (MLK Day)Dia de Martin Luther King, Jr. en espanol- actividades y escritura (dia de MLK)You might also like: Diversity Activites in Spanish (Actividades de diversidad)This product is in Spanish (only). This is a great product for Spanish immersion, bilingual education, bi-literacy or Spanish language schools. Many of these activities could be put together in a packet or could work on individually. Ideal for students in grades: K, 1, 245 Pages of Martin Luther King, Jr. in Spanish:1- Student Cover page for packet (folleto) 1- K-W-L1- MLK era, tenia, queria chart 2-MLK web graphic organizers1- Describe Martin Luther King, Jr. 1- Busca palabras/ sopa de letras1- Orden alfabetico de MLK in Spanish1- What is your dream?1- MLK- Who? What? where? When? Why?- graphic organizer1- Be a good citizen- good/bad decisions2- Reading passages about Martin Luther King, Jr. 1- Escritura- Si MLK estuviera vivo le preguntaria...1- Escritura- Tengo un sueno... 3- Looks like, sounds like, feels like- sheets 1- Esrcitura: Carta a Martin Luther King, Jr. 2- Venn Diagrams (MLK/yo, pasado/presente)1- Mini-poster for classroom (cartel)10- Vocabulary sheets- definition, draw it, write an example 1- Timeline of MLK- Corta y pega1- MLK facts- graphic organizer2- "I have a dream" sheets (for student's dreams)5- Coloring sheets 3- Ascrostic poem (poema acrostico) sheetsThis could be used in the classroom for whole class lessons, individual seat work, centers, fast finishers, as homework, etc. Could us un January for Marthin Luther King Jr. Day or during Black History Month. No prep needed. Just print. Martin Luther King Jr. en espanol para enero o para el mes de la historia afroamericana.