15 Spanish/Bilingual Books about Spring

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Oh, March....Time to celebrate National Reading Month and International Women's Day. Let's not forget about the beginning of Spring: butterflies, clouds, rainbows, flowers, bunnies and bees. Here is a list of bilingual books on amazon to build your classroom or home library.
We had fun compiling this list and were pleasantly surprised to find more books available in Spanish. On this list, we found a Reader's theater in Spanish, a bilingual book that comes with a free app and YouTube playlist, and a popular new book recently translated into Spanish.
If you enjoy this list, check out our book list about kindness and the holidays.
We hope you enjoy this list!
15 Spanish or Bilingual About Spring
1. La primavera by Julie Murray (Spanish)
This books talks about changes that spring brings, from the weather to the activities that we do. The Abdo collection has a Spanish book for every season you can find them all here on Kinder Bilingue's amazon wish list store.
2. Little Chickies/ Los Pollitos by Susie Jaramillo (Bilingual)
I was very excited when I found out what Canticos was doing, bringing to life popular songs from the Spanish speaking world. Growing up in Colombia, I remember this one was one of my favorite songs, and I love that we are now able to bring it into our classroom or home.
If you don't remember how this song goes, don't worry, Canticos took care of that, they have this song on Youtube in 8 different languages! This would be a great sing along book to introduce Spring to your students.
If you are teaching the life of a cycle of a chick this would also be a fun way to introduce the activity.
They also have an app for this book called Little Chickies (Los Pollitos)
3.Lola planta un jardin by Anna McQuinn (Spanish) (Lola Plants a Garden)
How does your garden grow? Book-loving Lola is inspired by a collection of garden poems that she reads with her mommy. She wants to plant her own garden of beautiful flowers, so she and Mommy go to the library to check out books about gardening. They choose their flowers and buy their seeds. They dig and plant. And then they wait. Lola finds it hard to wait for her flowers to grow, but she spends the time creating her own flower book. Soon she has a garden full of sunflowers and invites all of her friends for cakes and punch and a story among the flowers.
You can find the original English version here.
4.Martín y la llegada de la primavera by Sebastian Meschenmose (Spanish) (It's Springtime, Mr. Squirrel)
This book was originally written in Spanish and relates the story of two animal friends, Martin and Erick (a fun child like adaptation of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza) where they talk about feelings, spring, humor and friendship.
A new version (Feb 2018) in English is also available!
5. In Spring/ En Primavera by Susana Madinabeitia Manso (Bilingual)
In spring, seeds grow. I want to grow like a seed! En primavera, las semillas crecen. ¡Quiero crecer como una semilla! In this bilingual board book, a joyful little boy celebrates all of his favorite things about spring, from seeds growing to puddles splashing.
6. Lluvia by Carol Thompson (Spanish) (Rain)
Let's play out in the rain! There's a wealth of sights, sounds, smells, tastes and textures to discover and enjoy! In this series of richly illustrated books, Carol Thompson celebrates the immediate and sensory response of children to the natural world whatever the weather!
There is also an English version available: Rain
7. Little Quack/ Cuaquito by Lauren Thompson (Bilingual)
There is a separate edition for English and Spanish, but there is also a bilingual version which is written in both languages side by side.
Little Quack is a duck out of water. As his brothers and sisters splish, splash and splosh their way into the pond behind their mama, he is left all alone on the shore. Little Quack wants to join his family. Can he find the courage to be a very small duck in a very big pond? Count along and find out!
8. Laughing Tomatoes: And Other Spring Poems/ Jitomates Risueños: Y Otros Poemas de Primavera by Francisco Alarcon (Bilingual)
Tomatoes laugh, chiles explode, and tortillas applaud the sun. With joy and tenderness, delight and sadness, Frances X. Alarcón's poems honor life and nature: welcoming the morning sun, remembering his grandmother's songs, paying tribute to children working in the fields, and dreaming of a world filled with gardens.
9. Gallinita Colorá Colorá: y las semillitas misteriosas by Tere Marichal-Lugo (Spanish) Reader's Theater 😍
This is simply awesome! One of the things my students really enjoyed during reading time, were the reader's theater scripts. It was a bit difficult to find them in Spanish at the time, so I created a few with a social studies theme and integrating QR codes (see responsibility and honesty). So I got really excited when I found this adaptation of the Red Hen with a Caribbean twist, so perfect.
10. La Semillita by Eric Carle (Spanish) (The Tiny Seed)
One of our class favorites, Eric Carle's eloquent text and brilliant collages turn the simple life cycle of a plant into an exciting story, a nature lesson, and an inspiring message of the importance of perseverance.
11.Butterflies on Carmen Street/ Mariposas en la calle Carmen by Monica Brown
Paired with April Ward's charming illustrations that depict Julianita's neighborhood--her home on Carmen Street, the bench where Abuelito rests in Palo Verde Park, her parents' store that sells everything in the whole wide world--this book by award-winning author Monica Brown is sure to entertain and educate kids ages 3-9. This is a perfect choice for children learning about insects and the forces of nature.
12. ¡La primavera esta aqui! by Graciela Castellanos (Spanish)
Pedro is so excited! Join him as he rejoices in the beauties of nature during Spring time and the so wonderful activities he carries out with his Mom and Dad. The expressive illustrations and engaging text make this picture book an enjoyable and educational resource for young children.
13.Celebra el Día de San Patricio con Samantha y Lola by Alma Flor Ada(Spanish) (English version)

Samantha loves Irish dancing and has learned to dance it very well. Her friend Lola also likes this dance and she especially loves the fancy dress that Samantha wears during her presentations. Little by little, Lola learns the basic steps from her friend, until she is also ready to appear on stage. She makes her first appearance in the show that her school prepares to celebrate St. Patricks Day.
This book also contains an informative section on St. Patricks Day.
14.Cómo atrapar a un duende by Adam Wallace (Spanish) Original version (How to Catch a Leprechaun)
You've been planning night and day, and finally you've created the perfect trap! Now all you need to do is wait. Is this the year you'll finally catch the leprechaun? Start a St. Patrick's Day tradition with this fun and lively children's book.
15.Los árboles en la primavera by Jenny Fretland VanVoorst (Spanish) English version (Trees in Spring )
In Trees in Spring, beginning readers follow along as a tree responds to the season by growing leaves and flowers. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text will engage early readers as they discover how trees use sunlight and water to help them grow.
I hope you enjoyed the list. Did I missed your favorites?
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Spring Bilingual Activities
Check out some of the resources we have about Spring:
Juliana S.
K-5 GT Bilingual Teacher/ Content Creator Kinder Bilingüe
- Juliana Shoumbert
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