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Bilingual Weather Word Cards

Product Description

These weather themed vocabulary cards are a great resource in the classroom. They are designed to be printed back to back so that one side is English and the other side is Spanish. Used as a classroom resource, you can display them on a bulletin board or attach them to a ring for a portable word wall. They could also be used as flash cards or for a fun “Go Fish” or “Memory” game. Some teachers have even separated the picture from the word and use the cards in a matching activity. The possibilities are endless!

Your download includes:
38 color vocabulary cards
38 black and white vocabulary cards
Student sheets with vocabulary 

Vocabulary included in this resource: 

blizzard- tormenta de nieve
blustery- tempestuoso
breeze/breezy- brisa/ventoso
cloud/cloudy- nube/nublado
cold- frío
downpour- aguacero
drizzle/drizzling- llovizna/lloviznar
drought- sequía 
flood- inundación
fog/foggy- niebla/nebuloso
forecast- pronóstico
freezing- helado
gale- vendaval
gloomy- plomizo
hail/hailing- granizo/granizar
hot- caliente
humid/humidity- húmedo/humedad
hurricane- huracán
lightning- relámpago
meteorologist- meteorólogo
precipitation- precipitación
rain/raining- lluvia/llover
raindrop- gota de lluvia
rain gauge- pluviómetro
rainbow- arco iris
showers- lluvias torrenciales
sleet- aguanieve
snow/snowing- nieve/nevar
snowflake- copo de nieve
sun/sunny- sol/soleado
storm- tormenta
thermometer- termómetro
thunder- trueno
tornado- tornado
tsunami- tsunami
weather vane- valeta
wind/windy- viento/ventoso

Be sure to check out our other bilingual word cards!

Maximum quantity available reached.

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