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Biology DNA PowerPoint Notes and Student Notes

Product Description
These notes cover DNA structure and function and DNA commonality among species. All notes are translated (Spanish) to give ESL students a resource while learning English and completing other non-translated assignments. Periodic review questions are in the notes for a quick assessment of your students' understanding. A fill-in, guided set of notes is included for the students (along with the same review questions). These notes allow the students to copy key information while still listening to you rather than trying to write everything down and miss important discussion. A digital format of the notes is included if you need to assign these notes to individual students.
A copy of the student notes is included that can be edited for other languages.
Use these notes as a class activity or assign them to ESL students.
Included in this Resource:
  • PowerPoint Notes
  • Student "fill-in" notes
  • Digital copy
Maximum quantity available reached.

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