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Cesar Chavez in Spanish (Actividades y escritura Cesar Chavez)

Product Description

This product is in Spanish (only).


This is a great product for Spanish immersion, bilingual education, bi-literacy or Spanish language schools. Many of these activities could be put together in a packet or could work on individually.


Ideal for students in grades: 1, 2, 3 learning about Cesar Chavez in Spanish or about Hispanic Heritage Month in September or October.


40 Pages of Cesar Chavez in Spanish:

1- Student Cover page for packet (folleto)

1- Cesar Chavez K-W-L

1- Cesar Chavez es, tiene, quiere chart

2-Cesar Chavez web graphic organizers

1- Describe a Cesar Chavez

1- Busca palabras/ sopa de letras

1- Orden alfabetico de Cesar Chavez in Spanish

1- Cesar Chavez Who? What? where? When? Why?- graphic organizer

1- Reading passage about Cesar Chavez

1- Escritura

1- Esrcitura: Carta a Cesar Chavez

1- Venn Diagram (Cesar Chavez/yo)

2- Mini-poster for classroom (cartel)

8- Vocabulary sheets- definition, draw it, write an example

1- Timeline of Cesar Chavez- Corta y pega

1- Questions with multiple choice

1- Pair drawing to the correct word

2- Coloring sheets

3- Ascrostic poem (poema acrostico) sheets


This could be used in the classroom for whole class lessons, individual seat work, centers, fast finishers, as homework, etc. Could use for Hispanic Heritage Month in September or October or for a writing or social studies units on influential people, agricultures or migrant workers.


No prep needed. Just print.


Cesar Chavez en espanol para enero o para el mes de la herencia hispana o el mes de la hispanidad.

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