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Comparar y contrastar fruta y verdura

Product Description

This PDF download will help you teach your students to compare and contrast fruits and vegetables in Spanish.


Page with definition for Fruit and Vegetable and examples

40 flashcards with fruit and vegetable vocabulary (Spanish words)

Vocabulary words: berenena, manzana, piña, cereza, aguacate, naranja, uvas, calabaza, limón, brócoli, zanahoria, betabel, chícharos, ajo, lechuga, cebolla, alcachofa, espárrago, sandía, elote, pepino, plátano, fresa, pimiento, pera, jitomate, papaya, kiwi, melón, frambuesa, higo, calabacín, mango, granada, arándano, durazno, apio, col, coliflor & coco. 

5 worksheets for students to fill in if it is a fruit or a vegetable

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Clipart PrettyGrafik & Canva

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