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hemed articulation activities are always a hit with kids. Use this printable resource to target a variety of English phonemes at the word level in all word positions. This no-prep resource is excellent for elementary and middle school students who can read. There are 17 pages to choose from. Print them out and have your students color the pages as they practice their articulation sounds in speech therapy. Better yet, use heart shaped candy as your markers! These are also excellent to give to parents for carryover.
27 initial /b/ words, 9 medial /b/ words, 9 final /b/ words
27 initial /d/ words, 9 medial /d/ words, 9 final /d/ words
27 initial /f/ words, 9 medial /f/ words, 9 final /f/ words
27 initial /g/ words, 9 medial /g/ words, 9 final /g/ words
36 initial /h/ words, 9 medial /h/ words
27 initial /ʤ/ words, 9 medial /ʤ/ words, 9 final /ʤ/ words
27 initial /k/ words, 9 medial /k/ words, 9 final /k/ words
27 initial /l/ words, 9 medial /l/ words, 9 final /l/ words
27 initial /m/ words, 9 medial /m/ words, 9 final /m/ words
27 initial /n/ words, 9 medial /n/ words, 9 final /n/ words
27 initial /p/ words, 9 medial /p/ words, 9 final /p/ words
27 initial /r/ words, 9 medial /r/ words, 9 final /r/ words
27 initial /s/ words, 9 medial /s/ words, 9 final /s/ words
27 initial /t/ words, 9 medial /t/ words, 9 final /t/ words
9 initial /z/ words, 27 medial /z/ words, 9 final /z/ words
27 initial /ʧ/ words, 9 medial /ʧ/ words, 9 final /ʧ/ words
27 initial /ʃ/ words, 9 medial /ʃ/ words, 9 final /ʃ/ words
This product is also available in Spanish
Check out the quality of the product by downloading the /s/ sound for free
Clipart: Canva & PrettyGrafik
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