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What Are Educational Twitter Chats and Why Join

What Are Educational Twitter Chats and Why Join

Have you heard of twitter chats? Do you sometimes feel left out when teachers talk about these "twitter chats"? Well, I have good news for you, if you have ever been in a chat room, and I'm talking MSN messenger in the early 2000's chat room, you got this!                                 

Here is a step by step instruction on how to join a twitter chat, get ahead of the game and learn how to participate in one before they become the new professional development meetings! 

So, what are twitter chats?

A Twitter chat is a public Twitter conversation around one unique hashtag. This hashtag allows you to follow the discussion and participate in it. Twitter chats are usually recurring and on specific topics to regularly connect people with these interests. 

Why join as an educator?

There many twitter chats out there, you can learn from other educators and collaborate. You can use the ideas that you learn and integrate in your classroom. 

How it Works

Step #1

Create a free twitter account 

Step #2

 Find all the twitter chats you want to join. Check out this website for schedules and topics. 

Step #3

  In order to keep things organized, use a free site like TweetDeck.

Step #4

  Don't forget to use the twitter chat # in your responses because no one will see your response if you don't.   

Join #Bilingualedchat 

Share your knowledge and learn from bilingual educators around the world! 

Monthly themes, moderated by   starting September, 2017


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  • Juliana Suarez
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