- Home
- 1st Grade

1st Grade
- Everything in 1st Grade
- #spanishmemorybook
- #spanishresource #spanishkinder #spanishfirst #spanishsecond #endofyear
- 100th day
- 120 chart
- 1er grado
- 1st
- 1st Grade
- 2d shapes
- 2nd
- 2nd Grade
- 3D shapes
- 3rd
- 3rd Grade
- 4 Ls
- 4th
- 4th Grade
- 5th
- 5th Grade
- abc book
- abc order
- ABC Stations
- abcs
- abecedario
- abril
- actividades con monedas
- Activities
- activitiy
- activity
- Addition
- addition facts table
- adjectives
- adjectives in Spanish
- adjetivos
- adjetivos en espanol
- afroamericanos
- Aire
- alfabeto
- all about me
- all grades
- alophabet
- alphabet
- alphabet book
- alphabet posters
- alphabetical order
- anatomy
- Animal Flashcards
- Animal project
- animales
- Animales del Mar
- animales del océano
- animales domesticos
- Animals
- any grade
- Anytime Theme
- Apple Theme
- aprendizaje
- april
- arregla la oracion
- art
- articles
- August
- autumn
- awards
- ayer fue
- ayudantes
- ayudantes de la comunidad
- ayudar
- año
- b2s
- baby
- Back to school
- back to school bundle
- back to school Spanish
- back to school writing
- backtoschool
- balanced literacy
- Barack Obama
- base ten
- basketball
- bebes
- beetles
- Beginning of the School Year
- Beginning Sounds
- behavior
- biblioteca
- bililngual kinder
- bilingual
- bilingual centers
- bilingual classroom
- bilingual first grade
- bilingual journals
- bilingual kinder
- bilingual learning centers
- bilingual literacy centers
- bilingual pairs
- Bilingual Resources
- bilingue
- bingo
- Birthday
- Blach History Month
- Black History
- Black History Month
- body parts
- Book
- book boxes
- book log
- book study
- Borradorcitos
- bounce cards
- bracelts
- bugs
- Bugs Flashcards
- bulletin board
- Bulletin Board Ideas
- bulletin boards
- bundle
- busca palabras
- butterflies
- cacti
- cactus
- Calabaza
- calendar
- calendar skills
- calendario
- caligrafía
- cambios
- Camping Flashcards
- capitalization
- card
- cards
- carteles
- casa
- cat
- causa
- causa y efecto
- cause
- cause and effect
- celebraciones.
- centena
- Center
- centers
- centro
- centro de emparejar
- centro de escritura
- centro de lectura
- centros
- certificados
- certificates
- chart
- checklist
- chickens
- Christmas
- Ciclo de la Calabaza
- ciclo de vida
- ciclos de vida
- ciencias
- cinco de mayo
- city
- ciudad
- class decor
- class jobs
- class rules
- classbook
- Classroom
- classroom decor
- Classroom Decoration
- classroom decorations
- classroom helpers
- classroom jobs
- classroom managemen
- classroom management
- Classroom Materials
- classroom organization
- classroom poster
- classroom posters
- classroom rules
- classroom setup
- clima
- ClipArt
- clothes
- Clothing Flashcards
- cognados
- cognates
- coins
- coins in Spanish
- collaborative conversations
- color
- colores
- Colors
- colors in Spanish
- comida
- community
- community classroom
- community helpers
- community vocabulary
- communityhelpers
- complete sentences
- comportamiento
- comprensión
- computers
- comunidad
- conexiones
- conferences
- conferencias
- conjugation
- connections
- cono
- conoce a la maestra
- conoce a tu maestro
- conoce la maestra
- construye palabras
- contar
- cooperative learning
- counting
- coupons
- Craft
- Crayons
- creative
- creative writing
- crecimiento del apendizaje
- crossword
- crown
- cuaderno interactivo
- cubo
- cultural events
- cut and paste
- cutouts
- daily 5
- David
- David Shannon
- David va a la escuela
- David va al colegio
- days
- days of the week
- de
- decena
- decoding
- decor
- decoraciones
- decorations
- dia de gracias
- dia de la Tierra
- diario
- dias
- dias de la semana
- Digital Download
- dinero
- discussions
- dobles
- dog
- domino
- Donald Trump
- dough mats
- Dual Immersion
- dual kinder
- dual language
- Dual Language activities
- Dual Language kinder
- dígrafos
- Early intervention
- Early Learning
- Early Literacy
- Earth Day
- Earth Day in Spanish
- easter
- easy reader
- easy readers
- easy readers in Spanish
- easy reading
- editable
- efecto
- effect
- El Abecedario
- El Campamento
- El Campamento Flashcards
- El Clima
- el dia de la madre
- el dia de la planeta Tierra
- el dia de la tierra
- el dia de los presidentes
- el dia de planeta Tierra
- el dia internacional de la mujer
- el mes de herencia afroamericana
- el mes de la historia de la mujer
- El Verano
- El Verano Flashcards
- ELA/SLAR Centers
- ELAR stations
- Elementary School
- emociones
- Emoji
- emotions
- end
- end of the year
- end of year
- energy
- energía
- English
- English and Spanish
- English Vocabulary
- errores
- escarabajos
- escribe el salón
- escribir letras
- escribir poemas
- escribir poesia
- escritura
- escritura basica
- escritura de opiniones
- escritura diaria
- escritura persuasiva
- escuela abierta
- español
- esritura
- estaciones
- estaciones del año
- estrategias
- estrategias de lectura
- estudio de persona
- estudios sociales
- fact
- facts
- Fall
- Fall activities for kinder
- family
- Farm Spanish Flashcards
- fashion catalog
- fast finishers
- father's day
- feelings
- fichas
- fifth grade
- figuras
- figuras 2d
- figuras 3D
- figuras geometricas
- fin
- fin de año
- fin de curso
- fin de semana
- find the words
- first
- first grade
- first grade spanish journals
- first grde
- First Week of School
- flash cards
- flashcards
- flip book
- flip books
- fluency
- fluency strips
- fluidez
- foldables
- fonetica
- food
- formacióndeletra
- formas
- forms
- fourth grade
- free
- free activities
- free sample
- Freebie
- Freebies
- frogs
- fruit
- Fruit Flashcards
- Fruits
- frutas
- Frutas Flashcards
- fun
- fun activities
- Fun Stuff
- gallina
- gallinita roja
- gallo
- game
- Games
- gato
- geometria
- geometry
- gift
- go fish
- Gomez and Gomez
- gomez gomez
- Grade_1st
- Grade_2nd
- Grade_Kindergarten
- grammar
- gramática
- graph
- Graphic Organizers
- growth mindset
- Guided reading
- gym
- hacer conexiones
- Handwriting
- happy planner
- health
- Helpers
- High Frequency Words
- historia de afroamericanos
- hoja para voluntarios
- hojas de matematicas
- hojas de practica
- Holiday_Back to school
- Holiday_Earth Day
- Holiday_Fall
- Holiday_July 4th
- Holiday_Martin Luther King Jr
- Holiday_Memorial Day
- Holiday_Mother's Day
- Holiday_St. Patrick
- Holiday_Thanksgiving
- Holidays
- home communication
- Homeschool
- Homeschooling
- Homwschooling
- horario
- hoy es
- huevos
- hundreds
- hundreds chart
- imanes
- incentives
- indepenent writing
- Informational Text
- informative writing
- insectos
- Insectos Flashcards
- Insects
- interactive notebook
- interactivo
- intervention
- inventores
- inventors
- invierno
- irregular
- Jackie Robinson
- jobs
- journal
- juego
- juego interactivo
- juguetes
- julio
- junio
- k
- kind notes
- kinder
- Kinder fall activities
- kinder spanish journals
- Kindergarten
- kindergarten printables
- kindergarten spanish
- Kindergartn
- kindness
- L
- La Granja
- La Granja Flashcards
- la le li lo lu
- la oruga muy hambrienta
- LA Ropa
- la ropa de invierno
- labels
- ladybug
- ladybugs
- lalelilolu
- language arts
- Language_English
- Language_Spanish
- lapbook
- las frutas
- Las Verduras
- Learning stations
- leccion de adjetivos
- lectura
- lectura basica
- lectura facil
- lectura para principiantes
- led
- lenguaje
- lenguaje dual
- lesson plan template
- letra inicial
- letra L
- letras
- letter arts and crafts
- letters
- library
- library labels
- librito de rimas
- libro
- libro de recuerdos
- life cycle
- life cycles
- literacy center
- Literacy Center Ideas
- literacy unit
- Lluvia
- Lluvioso
- los animales oviparos
- Los Bichos
- Los Bichos Flashcards
- Los Bichos Vocabulario
- los colores
- Los Números
- los oviparos
- Los Vegetales
- lowercase
- lugar
- lugares
- mad libs
- magnets
- make connections
- making words
- map
- map skills
- mapa
- mapas
- maps
- march
- mariposa
- Martin Luther King
- Martin Luther King activities
- Martin Luther King Jr
- Martin Luther King Jr.
- marzo
- mascotas
- mat
- matching game
- mate
- matematicas
- materia
- Math
- Math Centers
- math interventions
- math journal
- math practice
- math printables
- math station
- Math stations
- math unit
- math wall
- math worksheets
- may
- mayusculas
- me on the map
- me on the map in Spanish
- mealworms
- medios de transporte
- meet your teacher
- memory
- memory book
- memory book SPAN
- memory game
- mentalidad
- mentalidad de crecimiento
- Mes de la historia afroamericana
- mesa
- mesas
- meses
- meses del año
- metamorphosis
- mexico
- mindset
- Mini erasers
- Mini Libros
- minuscula
- minusculas
- mixed up sentences
- mlk
- MLK actividades
- MLK in Spanish
- MLK Jr.
- moms
- monedas
- money
- monthly packets
- months of the year
- morning work
- mother's day
- mother's day gift
- motivation
- Mrs. Nelson
- mujer
- Musica
- narrativa
- narrativa personal
- narrative
- narrative writing
- navidad
- necesidades
- nopales
- normas
- normas del salon
- notes
- nouns
- november
- Number
- Number Posters
- number practice
- number sense
- numbers
- numbers chart
- numeros
- objetos inertes
- observation
- occupations
- ocean animals
- of
- onces
- open house
- Opinion Writing
- Opinion Writing unit in Spanish
- oraciones
- oraciones mezcladas
- oraciones revueltas
- orden abc
- orden alfabetico
- organizadores graficos
- organization
- oruga
- oviparos
- oviparous
- Oviparous Animals in Spanish
- palabra clave
- palabras
- palabras de alta frecuencia
- Palabras frecuentes
- palabras que riman
- pared de palabras
- partner talk
- parts of speech
- passages
- pato
- Penmanship
- perro
- personal narrative
- persuasive writing
- pets
- phonics
- pina
- pineapple
- piramide
- piratas
- pirates
- place
- place value
- places
- Plans
- plantas
- plants
- plants in Spanish
- play-doh
- pocket chart
- poem
- poema
- poemas
- poems
- poesia
- poetry
- pollito
- pollo
- portafolio
- portfolio
- posicional
- positive notes
- Post-its
- poster
- Posters
- powerpoint
- practica
- practica de escribir
- practica de lectura
- Pre-K
- Prefijos y Sufijos
- PreK
- premios
- preposiciones
- preposition
- prepositions
- preschool
- preschool printables
- Present continuous
- President
- President's Day
- presschool spanish
- Price_$0 to $5
- Price_$10 or more
- Price_$5 to $10
- Price_Free
- prices
- primavera
- primer grado
- primera semana
- primergrado
- primero
- printable books
- Printable Flashcards
- Printables
- Printables Flashcards
- problemas de cuento
- problemas de palabras
- ProductType_Bundle
- ProductType_Bundles
- ProductType_Technology
- project
- prompts
- propiedades
- Proyecto de animal
- Pumpkin
- Pumpkin Cycle
- punctuacion
- punctuation
- puppets
- puzzle
- puzzles
- páginasdetrabajo
- QR Codes
- quehacer
- quehacers
- rainforest
- ranas
- reading
- reading activity
- reading center
- reading comprehension
- reading journal
- reading log
- reading passage
- reading passages
- reading strategies
- reading strategy
- reading tips
- Reciclando
- reciclar
- recompensas
- recuerdos
- recycle
- Recycling
- reduce
- reducir
- reference cards
- reflexion
- reflexion de comportamiento
- registro
- registro de libros
- reglas
- reglas de la escuela
- reglas del salon
- reporte de animal
- Reseach
- research
- resource
- restar
- restas
- Resumen
- Reusando
- reuse
- Reusing
- rewards
- Rhyming
- rhyming in Spanish
- riman
- rimar
- Rimas
- roll a story
- rompecabeza
- rompecabezas
- Ropa Flashcards
- rule
- Rules
- rules in Spanish
- salud
- san patricio
- Schedule
- schedule bilingual classroom
- schedule in Spanish
- school
- school home contact
- school rules
- science
- science journal
- Sea animals
- Sea Animals Flashcards
- seasons
- second grade
- selfietheme
- sellos
- selva
- semana
- sentence errors
- sentimientos
- september
- septiembre
- seres vivos
- Shape posters
- Shapes
- shapes in spanish
- sheet
- Sight Words
- sign
- sign in sheet
- signs
- silabas con la l
- SLAR stations
- small group
- Small groups reading
- social emotional activity
- Social Studies
- social studies journal
- sociales
- Sol
- Soleado
- sonido inicial
- sonidos
- sonidosiniciales
- sopa de letras
- sopa de palabras
- sort
- sorts
- Spanish
- spanish activities
- Spanish Classroom Decor
- spanish emergent readers
- spanish english
- spanish fall activities
- Spanish Farm Vocabulary
- spanish first grade
- Spanish flashcards
- spanish grammar
- Spanish Immersion
- spanish journals
- spanish kinder
- spanish kinder math
- spanish kinder word work
- Spanish Opinion Writing
- Spanish prefixes
- Spanish Preschool
- Spanish Printables
- spanish reading
- Spanish Resources
- Spanish rhymes
- Spanish Rhyming Activities
- Spanish rhyming words
- spanish spelling
- Spanish suffixes
- spanish syllables
- Spanish Vocabulary
- Spanish Weather
- Special Education
- spo-default
- spo-disabled
- spring
- St. Patrick's Day
- st. Patricks day
- staff
- stamps
- Stations
- story elements
- story problems
- strategies
- strips
- student
- student friendly behavior notice
- Student notebook covers
- students
- Subject_Classroom Management
- Subject_Math
- Subject_Reading
- Subject_Science
- Subject_Social Studies
- Subject_Vocabulary
- Subject_Writing
- Substitute
- Substraction
- subtraction
- sumar
- sumas
- Summary
- summer
- Summer Fun
- Summer in Spanish
- Summer Printables
- Summer School
- Summer Spanish Vocabulary
- sustantivos
- Syllables
- sílabas
- sílabas trabadas
- tabla
- tabla de sumas
- table
- table signs
- take home binder
- taller
- taller de escritura
- tally marks
- tarea
- tarjetas
- tarjetas de la biblioteca
- tarjetas de trabajo
- tarjetero
- task cards
- tecnología
- telpas
- tens
- Terms of Use
- Texas
- Thanksgiving
- the
- the very hungry caterpillar
- Themed Bundle
- third grade
- tiempo
- Tierra
- tiras
- tiras de fluidez
- to do list
- Toys
- trabajo de la manana
- trabajos
- trabajos del salon
- trace
- trace letters
- trazar
- tridimensionales
- Trump
- unidad
- unidad de plantas
- unidad tematica
- up
- uppercase
- Vaalentine's Day
- Valentine's Day
- valentines
- valentines day
- valor
- valor posicional
- value
- Vegetables
- Veggies
- Verano
- verbos
- Verbs
- vocabulario
- vocabulary
- Vocabulary Cards
- vocales
- volunteer sheet
- Wall Decor
- weather
- Weather Charts
- Weather Printables
- Weather Unit
- Weather worksheets
- week
- weekend
- weekend journal
- weekend talk
- Winter
- Winter Flashcards
- wishlist
- word cards
- word problems
- word search
- word wall
- word walls
- word work
- words
- worksheet
- Worksheets
- workshop
- write
- write the room
- writer's workshop
- writers
- writing
- writing center
- writing centers
- writing folders
- writing journal
- writing poems
- writing poems in Spanish
- writing prompt
- writing prompts
- yeabook
- year
- yo en el mapa
- yo puedo ayudar
- zoo