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Essential Time Saving Tips for New Kinder Bilingual Teachers

Essential Time  Saving Tips for New Kinder Bilingual Teachers

Are you a new bilingual teacher? Are you excited to get into your classroom, organize it, post your rules, create activity centers? How about meeting your kids, labeling and creating personalized material? That's great! But wait, are you now having to go to endless trainings, meetings, staff development, preparing for meet the teacher night, and organizing the classroom you inherit that still has things from the 80's? Don't worry keep reading!

The beginning of the school year for a teacher is very exciting, especially if this is your first year teaching, but it can also be very overwhelming because you may feel like you don't have time to do everything you have to do.

Here are a few tips for the new school year that will save you a lot of time, things you simply don't have time to make:  

1. A Substitute Plan Template

This is the first thing that you need to have, and no, it is not because you are planing to take any days off anytime soon, it is because you will have a lot of new teacher trainings and meetings. Sadly, a lot of them are during the weekday, which means you will have to leave your precious little ones with a substitute teacher. 

It would be nice if the substitute could go to your classroom the day before, see what you do, meet your students, take notes, make copies and come the next day prepared, but that is just wishful thinking. 

You need to have things ready for your sub. Here is a template I created on google forms, jus make a copy, and the change the info to make it your own.

I recommend saving a copy for each day, that way, when you need it, you can access that day's plan and update the information. 

2.Ideas For Your School Lunch

Taking care of yourself doesn't mean just leaving your classroom at a decent time (aka "until I finish"), it also means eating and drinking water, but how do you do that when you spend your weekends working on student groups, lesson plans, intervention ideas and reading centers? Well, by creating quick healthy lunches. 

This is a Pinterest board with ideas for school lunches for busy teachers, you can create your own, or you can ask to be added as a collaborator by contacting me and pin away any ideas you already have.

3. A Collaborative Group    

You may feel like you need help but you don't know exactly what you need for your kids, all you know is that your student is having trouble with letter sounds, and they are still not able to write their name. 

Facebook support groups are a good place to ask other teachers for advice, there is one especially created for kinder bilingual teachers:

4. Don't reinvent the wheel   

You have so many ideas, you want want to implement them right now and they are relevant to what you are teaching, but you just don't have time to create them. There is simply not enough hours on the day to sit down for a few hours to create everything you need, if you ever feel that way, don't hesitate to ask for help and send a teacher request!

I hope I saved you some time, feel free to share with a teacher that will find this info useful! Have a great school year.

Juliana Suarez
A teacher passionate about bilingual/dual language education and language learning.

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  • Juliana Suarez
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