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Awesome Podcasts for Bilingual Educators

Awesome Podcasts for Bilingual Educators


Juliana Shoumbert  
Hi! I'm a G/T Bilingual teacher (EC-6th), passionate about bilingual/dual language education and language learning. 

Sometimes in the bilingual world you feel a bit alone , yes for those of you that are fortunate enough to have a bilingual teammate this might not resonate with you; but for those of us who are the only dual/bilingual teachers in our grade level, sometimes it feels lonely. That is when listening to a podcast helps, it helps you realize you are not alone and it helps you by strengthening your skills as a teacher. It is not only helpful but refreshing to hear other teachers answer the questions you have about bilingual education. 

🚘 Listen on your way to school or on your way back home and let me know in the comment section if I missed one you like. 


1. Biliteracy Now  
This podcast is focused on bilingual strategies, tips and conversations by our very own content creator Dyana Vera from Biliteracy Now

iTunes  Podbean  Podparadise

2. Classnotes Podcast – IDRA
The IDRA(Intercultural Development Research Association) Classnotes podcast is a tool for public school teachers and administrators. It gives insights into key issues in education in the United States, particularly in relation to serving minority students and English languages learners.


3. NJDOE Bilingual/ESL Podcast

In this New Jersey Department of Education podcast, Ken Bond has bite-sized conversations with leaders in the field. His guests discuss various aspects of educating English language learners in K-12 settings. Topics encompass issues related to bilingual, English as a second language, and English-medium content classrooms. 


4. Think Bilingual Austin
Think Bilingual Austin seeks to build and strengthen community and economic opportunities in the greater Austin area by providing the public with easy access to information and services on bilingualism, acquisition of a second language, bilingual educational and multicultural engagement.

5. Bilingual Profe Podcast
The Bilingual Profe Podcast is for busy bilingual teachers looking to improve their teaching practices in the classroom. If you are a bilingual, Spanish immersion, or dual language teacher, then this is the podcast for you. We’ll talk tips, ideas, and best practices for your bilingual classroom. 


6.Entre dos podcast
¡Bienvenidos! This is Entre Dos Podcast, where moms Paula and Monika share their quest to raise bilingual kids and, along the way, talk to educators, experts, linguists and regular parents. "Entre Dos" means "between two," which summarizes the challenges a lot of families face as they work to ensure their culture is passed on to the next generation. It's not easy, but people all over are figuring it out. So can you! Join Monika and Paula as they explore the bridge between language, culture and identity.

iTunes          Google Play Music

7. America the Bilingual
America the Bilingual is a storytelling podcast designed to inspire people on their journey to bilingualism. We'll listen to people who have become bilingual, especially native-English speakers who learned another language as adults (that is, the hard way). How did they do it? Why did they do it? How do they lead their bilingual lives? You'll find out every two weeks. 

Soundcloud      iTunes 

8. Language Latte: A Podcast for World Language Teachers
The language Latte is a conversation about teaching world languages. Becky Morales looks at research and speaks with teachers from around the globe to find out the best and most efficient methods, materials, and tips to help students gain fluency. Topics include educational technology, getting students to speak in the target language, teaching vocabulary, using films and popular games in class, bringing in culture, using IPA’s, TPRS, CI, the role of grammar, and more. 

iTunes    libsyn

9.Bilingual Avenue by Marianna Du Bosq
Bilingual Avenue is a podcast created for parents raising bilingual children and educators teaching dual language learners. The Bilingual Avenue podcast is a guide on what to do, how to do it and what to expect when working with multilingual children. Tune in for insightful interviews with experts and parents as they share best practices, failures, obstacles and inspiration to guide your journey with bilingual children. If you are looking for resources, strategies and actionable tips, Bilingual Avenue is for you!

iTunes     Stitcher

If you prefer video then you will enjoy Reto Bilingue's Youtube channel.



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  • Juliana Shoumbert
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